west Indies DMR ID  D-STAR REG

+1 234 567 8910

West Indies Amateur Radio Community

West Indies

Peanut Room W-INDIES. DMR TGIF and QRM TG 161. C4FM FCS001 61. D-STAR XLX634 W

M17 M17-LIM I    Follow us on Twitter.com/WIARC_161, and Let's be friends on Facebook.com

West Indies

multilingual amateur radio community, where hams in all the islands in the Antilles, in the western North Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic island nations, and some Central and South American mainland countries which have Caribbean coastlines group.

DMR TGIF and QRM TG 161 *** C4FM FCS00161 *** Peanut W-INDIES  *** M17 M17-LIM I *** D-STAR XLX634 W 

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QSO Locations

Where we meet

Peanut Room W-INDIES. DMR TGIF and QRM TG 161. C4FM FCS00161. D-STAR REF092A. M17 M17-LIM I

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